@charset "utf-8";
 * Yo框架自定义全局函数
 * 扩充Sass默认函数库,用以增强语法

 * @module List扩展函数
 * @description 返回SassList中的第一项
 * @function first
 * @version 2.1.0
 * @param {String} $list 指定一个Sass List <2.1.0>
@function first($list) {
    $length: length($list);
    $value: "";

    @if type-of($list) != list {
        @warn "`$list` of `first($list)` must be a list type.";
    } @else if $length == 0 {
        @warn "`$list` of `first($list)` must not be empty.";
    } @else {
        $value: nth($list, 1);

    @return $value;

 * @module List扩展函数
 * @description 返回SassList中的最后一项
 * @function last
 * @version 2.1.0
 * @param {String} $list 指定一个Sass List <2.1.0>
@function last($list) {
    $length: length($list);
    $value: "";

    @if type-of($list) != list {
        @warn "`$list` of `last($list)` must be a list type.";
    } @else if $length == 0 {
        @warn "`$list` of `last($list)` must not be empty.";
    } @else {
        $value: nth($list, -1);

    @return $value;

 * @module List扩展函数
 * @description 返回SassList中的倒数第几项
 * @function nth-last
 * @version 2.1.0
 * @param {String} $list 指定一个Sass List <2.1.0>
 * @param {Integer} $index 指定需要返回的值在list中的倒数位置 <2.1.0>
@function nth-last($list, $index) {
    $length: length($list);
    $value: "";

    @if type-of($list) != list {
        @warn "$list of `nth-last($list, $index)` must be a list type.";
    } @else if type-of($index) != number {
        @warn "$index of `nth-last($list, $index)` must be a integer.";
    } @else if $index <= 0 {
        @warn "$index of `nth-last($list, $index)` must be a greater than zero integer.";
    } @else if $index > $length {
        @warn "$index out of bounds for `nth-last($list, $index)`.";
    } @else {
        $value: nth($list, -$index);

    @return $value;

 * @module List扩展函数
 * @description 移除SassList中的某个项目并返回新的List
 * @function remove
 * @version 2.1.0
 * @param {String} $list 指定一个Sass List <2.1.0>
 * @param {String} $value 指定需要被删除的值 <2.1.0>
@function remove($list, $value) {
    $new-list: ();
    $length: length($list);

    @if type-of($list) != list {
        @warn "$list of `remove($list, $value)` must be a list type.";
    } @else {
        @for $i from 1 through $length {
            @if type-of(nth($list, $i)) == list {
                $new-list: append($new-list, remove(nth($list, $i), $value), list-separator($list));
            } @else if nth($list, $i) != $value {
                $new-list: append($new-list, nth($list, $i), list-separator($list));

    @return $new-list;

 * @module List扩展函数
 * @description 截取SassList中的某个部分并返回新的List
 * @function slice
 * @version 2.1.0
 * @param {String} $list 指定一个Sass List <2.1.0>
 * @param {Integer} $start 指定需要截取的开始下标 <2.1.0>
 * @param {Integer} $end 指定需要截取的结束下标(不包括end),当该值缺省时默认为末尾下标 <2.1.0>
@function slice($list, $start, $end: length($list) + 1) {
    $new-list: ();
    $length: length($list);

    @if type-of($list) != list {
        @warn "$list of `slice($list, $start, $end)` must be a list type.";
    } @else if type-of($start) != number or type-of($end) != number {
        @warn "$strat and $end of `slice($list, $start, $end)` must be a integer.";
    } @else if $start == 0 or $end == 0 {
        @warn "$start and $end of `slice($list, $start, $end)` must be a non-zero integer.";
    } @else {
        $start: if($start < 0, $length + $start + 1, $start);
        $end: if($end < 0, $length + $end + 1, $end);
        @for $i from $start through $end - 1 {
            $new-list: append($new-list, nth($list, $i), list-separator($list));

    @return $new-list;

 * @module List扩展函数
 * @description 从SassList中添加/删除项目,然后返回新的List。
 * @function splice
 * @version 2.1.0
 * @param {String} $list 指定一个Sass List <2.1.0>
 * @param {Integer} $index 指定需要移除的开始下标 <2.1.0>
 * @param {Integer} $count 指定需要移除的数量,不可以为负值,0表示不移除 <2.1.0>
 * @param {String} $values 指定需要添加的新值(可以是多个),如果该值缺省,则表示只移除不添加新值 <2.1.0>
@function splice($list, $index, $count, $values...) {
    $new-list: ();
    $length: length($list);

    @if type-of($list) != list {
        @warn "$list of `splice($list, $index, $count, $values...)` must be a list type.";
    } @else if type-of($index) != number or $index == 0 {
        @warn "$index of `splice($list, $index, $count, $values...)` must be a non-zero integer.";
    } @else if type-of($count) != number or $count < 0 {
        @warn "$count of `splice($list, $index, $count, $values...)` must be a positive integer.";
    } @else {
        $index: if($index < 0, $length + $index + 1, $index);
        @if $count == 0 {
            @if $index < $length {
                @for $i from 1 through $length {
                    @if $i != $index {
                        $new-list: append($new-list, nth($list, $i), list-separator($list));
                    } @else {
                        // 在$index位置插入新值,并且将原来位置上的值往后移一位
                        $new-list: join($new-list, $values, list-separator($list));
                        $new-list: append($new-list, nth($list, $i), list-separator($list));
            } @else {
                @for $i from 1 through $index {
                    @if $i < $index {
                        $new-list: append($new-list, nth($list, $i), list-separator($list));
                    } @else {
                        $new-list: join($new-list, $values, list-separator($list));
        } @else {
            @for $i from 1 through $length {
                @if $i < $index {
                    $new-list: append($new-list, nth($list, $i), list-separator($list));
                } @else if $i == $index {
                    $new-list: join($new-list, $values, list-separator($list));
                } @else if $i >= ($index + $count) {
                    $new-list: append($new-list, nth($list, $i), list-separator($list));

    @return $new-list;